Older guidelines and advice

These are our older publications, and they do not comply with accessibility requirements as per the Tasmanian Government Brand Identity and Communications Policy. Please refer to our new Framework as many of the publications below have been replaced. Please contact us if you have questions.

We know that many of our clients refer to our Guidelines in their policies and procedures. As we release new Standards, we will provide an overview to help you update your documentation. Current overviews are listed on the Framework page and to the right.

Understanding our older Records Management publications

Guideline: A defined set of mandatory guidelines, issued by the State Archivist under the Archives Act 1983. It is the duty of the relevant authority to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the guidelines are complied with.

Advice: General advice on contemporary recordkeeping issues. (No associated compliance requirement).

Template: An outline or example of a document type, often including explanatory text providing direction to the author.

Checklist: A comprehensive list of relevant actions, or steps to be taken in a specific order to support various activities.

Other: Additional tools either developed or endorsed by us

wdt_ID Document type Name Topic Issue Date Last Update
1 Advice Advice 02 All about Appraisal Appraisal 28/02/2015 28/02/2015
2 Advice Advice 03 Day Batching of Source Records Digitisation, RM Operations 13/07/2005 02/01/2013
3 Advice Advice 04 Managing Electronic Communications as Records Digital Recordkeeping, Mobile, Social Business 15/07/2009 15/07/2009
4 Advice Advice 05 Australian Standard AS ISO 15489 Records Management EDRMS Implementation, Standards 13/07/2005 13/07/2005
5 Advice Advice 06 Information Classification tools Business Analysis, EDRMS Implementation 13/07/2005 31/08/2014
6 Advice Advice 07 Information Rights Management Legal 15/07/2009 15/07/2009
7 Advice Advice 08 Microfilm Reproductions of State Records Digitisation 13/07/2005 13/07/2005
8 Advice Advice 09 Disposal of Scheduled Records Disposal 13/07/2005 13/07/2005
9 Advice Advice 10 Disposal of Unscheduled Records Disposal 13/07/2005 18/05/2012
10 Advice Advice 11 Short term Retrieval of State Records Access + Transfer 13/07/2005 17/05/2017
Document type Name Topic Issue Date Last Update