Retention and Disposal

Retention and Disposal Schedules

Retention and Disposal Schedules ensure that records of continuing value to the public and the government are accessible for appropriate lengths of time. Go here for authorised Disposal Schedules.

Current disposal freezes

The Tasmanian Government Commission of Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was announced on 23 November 2020. Our records retention notice is below.

There are several local and national investigations, inquiries and Royal Commissions in progress. All records relevant to investigations, inquiries and Royal Commissions must be preserved until the inquiry and any subsequent actions are completed.

Please note that disposal freezes override authorised Disposal Schedules.

Current record retention notices (disposal freezes)
What are unscheduled records and what do I do with them?

Records not described in a disposal schedule are called unscheduled (or non-scheduled) records.

All records created before 1960 are unscheduled records.

Unscheduled records need to be appraised to determine whether they are permanent or temporary. If they are permanent, you can transfer them to the Tasmanian Archives. If they are temporary, please contact us for a Destruction Authority so you can legally destroy them.

How do I get a Destruction Authority?

If you can’t dispose of a record using a disposal schedule, you may need to ask us for a destruction authority. This is a one-off authorisation from the State Archivist that allows you to legally destroy specific records.

Destruction authorities may be required for records not described in a disposal schedule or for damaged records which can’t be restored.

Please contact us to apply for a destruction authority.

Transferring Records

Permanent records should be transferred to the Tasmanian Archives when business use ceases. Go to the Transferring Records page to find out more.

Online Retention and Disposal Application (ORDA)

ORDA is a web-based system for drafting your Disposal Schedule. Go to the ORDA page for more information.

Want to know more about Retention and Disposal?

Contact us for more information or visit the pages mentioned on this webpage.