Tasmanian Government Information Management Framework

The Office of the State Archivist (OSA) is leading the development of an Information Management Framework for the Tasmanian Government. The Framework identifies and defines the various components which contribute to effective information management.

For more information, see the Tasmanian Government Information Management Framework – Overview

Information Management Framework Drafts

Consultation drafts remain available on our website for between three and four months. The State Archivist approves our Standards before we finalise and issue them. This authority comes from section 10A of the Archives Act 1983 (Tas). Joint publications will go through a different authorisation process.


Appraisal Statement for State records

Other government department policies

The following government departments have policies and frameworks that impact on recordkeeping including:


Cybersecurity Standards

Cybersecurity Standards supports implementation of the Cybersecurity Policy

Endorsed Resources
10 Tips for Cyber Security (Cyber Security NSW)

Information and Records Management Standard

The Information and Records Management Standard describes the minimum requirements for managing information and records throughout their lifecycle.

The Information and Records Management Standard – Summary is a one-page high-level summary of requirements from this Standard.

The Information and Records Management Standard – Overview provides information about Guidelines this Standard has replaced.

Implementation tools

Implementation tools – Templates and forms

Endorsed resources

AS/ISO 15489-1: 2017

Capabilities Framework (National Archives of Australia)

Disaster Resources (The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material)

Emergency Pocket Response Plan (Council of State Archivists)

Functional Requirements for M365 (CAARA)

Guidelines for handling, preparing and digitising archival paper and printed materials (National Archives of Australia)

Information Matters video (National Archives of Australia)

Preservation Services (National Film and Sound Archive of Australia)

Preserving Information (National Archives of Australia)

Information Security Classification Standard

Please see the Tasmania’s Protective Security Policy Framework (TAS-PSPF).

Implementation tools

Information Security Toolkit: Data Breaches: Prepare-Prevent-Respond-Recover (draft)

Endorsed resources

Physical Storage Technical Standard

The Physical Storage Technical Standard describes minimum storage requirements for State records. This includes records held in the custody of government organisations, as well as those outsourced to commercial providers. It covers all types of physical storage media.

Commercial providers seeking certification as Approved Secondary Storage Providers (ASSP) will be assessed against this Standard.

The Physical Storage Technical Standard – Overview provides information about which Guidelines this Standard has replaced.

Implementation tools

Approved Secondary Storage Providers
Pre-inspection Checklist for Secondary Storage Providers (Form)

Endorsed resources

Collections Care Manual (Western Australian Museum.12 short videos, transcripts and digitised edition of Conservation and Care of Collections.)

Digitisation Toolkit

The Digitisation Toolkit helps you digitise and preserve your high-value, high-risk information. Using this toolkit will help you meet reproduction standards so you can destroy original or source records. The Toolkit includes:

The Digitisation Standard: Technical Standard for Permanent Paper Records – this describes minimum requirements for preservation quality digital copies. Use this Standard for permanent records and to meet the conditions in our Disposal Schedule for Source Records (DA2159).

The Digitisation Standard and Digitisation Toolkit – Overview provides information about Guidelines this Standard has replaced.

Implementation tools

Application to Dispose of Permanent Source Records – a checklist to help you prepare your application to our office.

Digitisation Projects: Plan Before you Scan – will help you manage large volume digitisation or back-scanning projects.

Digitisation Toolkit FAQs – your guide to the Toolkit.

Disposal Schedule for Source Records (DA2159) – the legal instrument you use to dispose of the source records.

Sustainable Digital File Formats for Creating and Using Records – this CAARA publication recommends and lists digital formats.

Three Steps for Better Scans – a staff educational poster PDF and Word

Endorsed resources

Digital Preservation Handbook (Digital Preservation Coalition, 2nd edition)

Education Sessions

Online Education Sessions (December 2023)

Destruction Methods Technical Standard

The Destruction Methods Technical Standard describes destruction methods of records and will support the other Standards.

Implementation tools

Register of Records Destroyed (Template)

Endorsed resources

Australian Government Information Security Manual ISM (Australian Cyber Security Centre)

Metadata Standard

The Metadata Standard describes metadata requirements for information and records. This Standard has not yet been written.

Information Asset Standard

An Information Asset Standard describes how to use information asset registers to help you manage your high-risk, high-value information assets. We won’t be producing a Standard but may produce some advice and a template (based on existing publications below) and add as implementation tools under the Information and Records Management Standard.

Feel free to use our older advice:

You might also choose to use other templates including:

How are our publications developed?

How Are Our Publications Developed? explains the differences between policies, standards and toolkits in our Framework, how we develop and review publications, and how we consult with our stakeholders.